Finals can be a tough time to take care of yourself, especially if you’re always inside stu(dying)…

I know, even the sound of the word “finals” seems to send a burst of anxiety running through us. It’s expected that you will be stressed, but it’s important to remain healthy, and focus on your mental well-being, during this busy time.  Here are some quick tips on how to manage your stress during finals: […]

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Know Your Strengths: Area of Study Based on ‘Myers-Briggs’ Personality Type

As fall begins, freshman head up to colleges and seniors declare their possible majors. Knowing your strengths can help to generate ideas on what to be when you grow up or refresh your second career. With so many possibilities, it can help to clear the confusion by talking to a therapist. I can help be […]

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Look For Signs That Your Teen is Stressed Out

Problem with perfection

When your child is stressed, you and your whole family are affected.  It’s hard to see them struggle in school or with peers socially.  If your child refuses to go to school and has such dread on Sunday nights it’s time to do something about this.  This is treatable and your child can have the coping tools he […]

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